Is muscle strain a part of your job? Athletes, performers, and essential workers all have one thing in common – they need their bodies to...
read moreNeuropathy, Numbness, and a New Lease of Life with Equiscope
If you’ve been suffering from peripheral neuropathy, neuropathic pain, or numbness in your feet, you may feel like you’re at the end of your rope....
read moreKnee Pain Management the Equiscope Way
What a pain in the knee! Our knees carry us everywhere. With so much use, it’s easy to see how they could suffer from the...
read moreInsomnia Rehabilitation With Equiscope Therapy
Are you reading this at 3am because you’re suffering from insomnia? Have you been scouring the internet with search topics like “how do I know...
read moreHow Electro-Equiscope Can Benefit Your Rehabilitation
Have you recently had surgery or injured yourself and feel like it’s taking forever to get back into shape? Maybe you’re not even worried about...
read moreEquiscope Therapy Helps Canine Arthritis
Has your dog received a diagnosis of canine arthritis, canine skeletal disorder, or some other musculoskeletal disorders? Are you’re finding the solutions aren’t working? Then...
read moreHoney and Quatro: Equine Healing with Equiscope
We know you love your animals almost as much as you love your people. That’s why we enjoy spotlighting animal success stories so much! Today...
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