Real-World Outcomes

Reported Equiscope Therapy Results

With practitioners across North America, the Electro-Equiscope® has been positively impacting patients of all walks of life. Check out these real-world results we’ve received.

  1. Symptoms: Mare who had quit enjoying her job and started avoiding bearing weight on her RT hind leg.
  2. Protocol: Protocol 1-> Probes used on right side of body, all frequencies, both modes, intensity 600, gain max. Protocol 2-> Used Probes now on left side and cervical spine, all frequencies, both modes, intensity 600, gain max. Protocol 3-> plates placed throughout mare’s body to restore soundness. All frequencies, both modes, intensity 600, gain 60. Acute areas were discovered. Protocol 4-> used plates and small dbl roller to attend sensitive areas. All frequencies, intensity 600, both modes, gain 40.
  3. Results: After protocol 1, mare appeared more comfortable and relaxed as session progressed. Protocols resolved the apparent pain in her hind leg within the first couple of sessions, but during 3rd session, while palpating alarm points for ulcers, technician discovered both wither and first points to be extremely sensitive. After protocol 4 – even hip rotation, no more reaction when withers and girth palpated.
  1. Symptoms: Rope horse wedged his head in a gate overnight and was trapped for some time. Suffered trauma to his RT eye which was scraped and swollen shut. Had multiple lacerations on his face, severe swelling bellow LT ear base continuing behind the TMJ and caudal to the ramus. His LT upper and lower lips had significant paralysis. *Only had a day and a half to work on horse due to owner limitations.
  2. Protocol: Protocol 1-> used probes in all frequencies, intensity 600 in both modes and max gain. Followed the previous protocol for treatment 2. Protocol 3-> Plates on GV and roller along jawline in all frequencies intensity 600, gain 60.
  3. Results: Able to manage his pain and reduce considerable amount of the swelling before he left. The vet administered a dex shot and did x-rays, which didn’t reveal any structural damage. Within a day he was able to open his eye and within 3 days the paralysis subsided.
  1. Symptoms: This gelding had recurrent inflammation and lameness in Lt from the knee. He had fallen 3 times in rodeo runs, the last time was an end over end.
  2. Protocol: First Protocol used plates to resolve swelling and lameness to the knee. Used all frequencies, and finished with Y-probe. The second protocol targeted the knee as well. Third protocol was systemic in which high impedance was encountered. Used all frequencies, max gain, intensity 600.
  3. Results: After the first session, gelding had a slight reduction of swelling at the end of the session. After the third protocol, there is suspicion of more structural issues due to the high impedance.
  1. Symptoms: Diagnosed by 2 vets to need hocks injected and 2 other vets say hocks are fine. Vet prescribed onion heel shoes with tapered toe.
  2. Protocol: First, probed for impedance starting at head. Probed cervical spine and shoulder to trig point at LI 1 4 & 5th cv worst then everything below knee. First full Protocol was probes, 16 sec at each point. Frequency .5,2, 2.5, 5, 10, 40 Mode 1. Followed by .5, 2, 4, 10, 40 Mode 2. Both modes at intensity 600, gain 90. Second Protocol, was the same protocol as the first, this time gain was 50. Third Protocol was systemic governing vessel using plates and probes on hond end.
  3. Results: After the first Protocol, horse seemed more relax. Note: could not get from knee down to clear 10 and 40 even after Mode 2. After second Protocol, everything cleared. After 3rd Protocol, horse is very relaxed and seemed to enjoy the Protocol. The horse tracked normally once again after treatments, and I concluded it did not need the shod correction.
  1. Symptoms: Diagnosed and previously treated for EPM unsuccessfully.
  2. Protocol: Performed Governing Vessel protocol using plates in 0.5, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 40 frequencies Mode 1. Followed by .5,2,4,10,40 frequencies Mode 2. Intensity 600 in both modes. Duration was 2 min, at max gain. Repeated same protocol for the second session, added Spb. Third session, probes and plates were used following same protocols as previously. The 4th session consisted of using plates in all frequencies and both modes. Fifth session consisted of a bilateral spinal protocol using probes. Sixth session included a pre-evaluation from Dr. Ole who stated a huge neurological improvement . The 6th session followed an EPM resolve protocol, which utilized plates in all frequencies for both Modes.
  3. Results: The horse experienced some trembling and sweating during the first session. During the second session, there was some grunting and sweating accompanied by a transfer of weight from side to side. Before the 3rd session, the horse shows a slight improvement in stability and appears more alert and sensitive. During the third session, the horse was stretching the cervical spine and transfering weight from side to side. Before 4th session, you could observe a stronger stance. During the 4th session, the horse eliminated more than usual. During the 5th session, horse appeared very active and almost irritated during session. After 6th session there was no more noticeable difference.
  1. Symptoms: Young horse who had taken a bad slip. He had been lame on his Left hind leg for 2 weeks. Very protective of any manipulation of his LT hind leg and his personality had been greatly altered by the pain he was in, resulting in a very fractured and anxious response.
  2. Protocol: Applied plates to the area, all frequencies, intensity 600, both modes, gain at max.
  3. Results: Rocky ended the session relaxed, with his head down, and licking his lips. After being seen by a vet, it was discovered he had a subluxated SI which is an invasive procedure although Dr. claims it was the easiest manipulation he had ever performed. There was a noticeable pliability of tissue and lack of inflammation for a horse who had suffered such an acute trauma.
  1. Symptoms: Was not clocking running barrels. The gelding had steroid injections in his hocks.
  2. Protocol: Only had the opportunity of performing 2 sessions. First session: Probed TNS, CV, and shoulder to trig LI 1. Used frequency, .5, 2, 2.5, 10 in Mode 1. Mode 2 used frequency .5, 2,4,10-100. Intensity 600 in both modes, gain 60. Second session: Used plates protocol along discomfort areas. In both sessions, sedation had to be used.
  3. Results: All points cleared after 1st session. After second session, results were evaluated. Owner witnessed a huge change in his runs after sessions. He ran at the American this year!
  1. Symptoms: Jaw discomfort. All teeth mandibular and maxillary extracted. Infection of mandible resolves, she paws at her jaw incessantly especially after eating.
  2. Protocol: Plated all four paws, Used probes for bulls eye around point of pain. All frequencies, both modes. Finished with Y-Probe. The second protocol: plates were applied on near jaw – grand ball far jaw. Used all frequencies and finished with y-probe. Last protocol followed a systemic governing vessel through & through on jaw, followed all frequencies.
  3. Results: After first session, the feline seemed very calm and accepting. The second protocol yielded a calm and relaxed feline that fell asleep several times during the session. The third protocol ended with a very relaxed and quiet feline.
  1. Symptoms: Reined Cow Horse in training who hit a slump and started to get bracey and resistant. Very talented and normally very willing, owner chose to bring her back to the ranch to just take a break and be a horse. Trainer getting frustrates with mare, fighting her head and hollowing out her back.
  2. Protocol: First protocol objective was to read body for impedance. Used probes in front body areas, all frequencies, intensity 600, both modes, gain at max. Second protocol objective connect yin to yang. Used plates along horse column and the horseshoes. All frequencies, intensity 600l both modes, gain 40.
  3. Results: After the first protocol, mare’s disposition softened, relaxed and sweating lightly. Before second protocol, mare headset relaxed – not much to measure. During the second protocol the mare did a lot of stretching and yawning. Unfortunately, only had access to 2 sessions, but after the last session she was a new horse. She is back to work and now competing in a novice class.
  1. Symptoms: Unauthorized tooth extraction may be the culprit. He went into a septic situation due to not knowing this had happened.
  2. Protocol: Protocol 1-> Plates in all frequencies, intensity 600, gain max. Purpose was to treat possible residual infection and impedance. Protocol 2-> probes to clear more impedance in cervical spine. All frequencies, intensity 600, gain 40. Protocol 3-> Systemic with probes, all frequencies, intensity 600, gain 30.
  3. Results: Mouth was balanced and started Equiscope with GV and TMJ. After session 1, his eyes softened and headset dropped. He turned around in just 3 sessions and is absolutely thriving now!

Zooey is a five-year-old Cavalier King Charles and was the runt of her litter. Small and feisty, she was born with a malformed skull, the back of which was pushing 1” into her brain causing spinal fluid to collect above her top vertebra.

When she was barely two years old, we were out walking after a rain when she slipped on the wet grass and hit her head on the side of a berm. She screamed in pain, and I scooped her up and took her home. Twenty-four hours later she was paralyzed from the neck down. We took her to the ER and then meet with a neurologist. We had 2 options: (1) Put her down (recommended by the vet) or (2) Attempt a ground-breaking surgery and hope for the best. The surgeon felt that if she made it thru the surgery she may have a chance of walking again, and so we picked option 2.

The recovery was significantly more involved than we expected. After her neurosurgery, eight weeks of round-the-clock care, then six months of physical therapy, water therapy, and acupuncture and she eventually started wagging her tail, then crawling and eventually walking, albeit with a pronounced swagger.

Zooey is now all grown up and in general she is healthy, with good days and bad days. She doesn’t complain, but she seems to like her daily massage and we suspect that she has pain that was holding her back.
After learning of Equiscope therapy and being treated myself for knee pain, we decided to try treating Zooey to see if it could get the last 20% of her mobility back.

I’m pleased to report that after only five sessions, it has worked wonders. We used to call her a rickety chuck wagon before the therapy, but now she walks and runs with increasing confidence. She has started acting like a dog again, taking pleasure in the smells and distractions of life, so much so that she has started challenging her older (and bigger) sister for the alpha slot at home.

She’s had an uphill fight her whole life and she’s overcome it all, not too bad for a little twelve-pound fluff ball!

  1. Symptoms: Healed fracture of the tarsus with a healed back linear deviation distally. Nerve damage to the extensor ligaments that open his digits and halux, causing them to be clenched in a retracted state. Xerxes could not perch and would fall on his side because he was unable to use his leg for support. Constantly in a defensive stance when he was approached.
  2. Protocol: First Protocol 1/04/22. Initially, there was very little response of movement. By the 3rd session, Xerxes opened and took a hold of the technician holding him twice – as seen in the video. That was the session performed with the Governing Vessel protocol, which had a profound impact on his overall health and responsiveness. The bones of hawks are hollow and the energy is actually audible at every frequency, somewhat resembling a vibrating sound. The next steps are to perform a bilateral spinal and tie in other influential points to improve the function and finite movement of these digits and halux.
  3. Results: With every session his Chi grew stronger, changing his demeanor from defensive and fearful to confident and offensive. The stability of his tarsus improved with every session and he was quicker to perch every time he was returned to his cage. After the 6th session, he began placing his halux behind when perching which made his balance very strong. His digits extended about 70 percent to the last joint of all 3 digits. The technician noticed that his strength multiplied exponentially and he became a real chore to restrain during Protocols – except for during the Governing Vessel, which he would likely let me do all day long.
    UPDATE: Xerxes was able to be released back into the wild!

Protocol details are bolded below…
Dakota is a 12 yr old male Akita weighing approx 105lbs. He has an incredible life where his main focus is protecting his acre yard with his mate Roku, a 2 yr old female Akita. They are often found chasing off coyotes and other animals or snuggled up with Doug and Heidi, their human family.

During a routine vet visit, it was decided to get some x-rays of his hind end as he presented some stiffness. The x-rays confirmed mild arthritis on his right hind. When he came out of anesthesia, he presented extreme limited mobility on both hind limbs with more severity on the left.

He had one dose of steroids with little to no improvement. At this point we began Electro-Equiscope protocols. We completed a series of 12 over 5 weeks. After the first protocol, Dakota was able to walk unassisted. His healing continued through the continued protocols. At this time Dakota is able to run in and down stairs again and is back to protecting his yard with Roku.

We focused on complete body work using plates on all four limbs, rollers, probes, GB21 point and systemic. Some observations include improved gate, no sensitivity on spinal palpation, better bowel movements, improved appetite, brighter eyes and in general a happier more playful disposition.
One challenge we continue to monitor is the play between Dakota and Roku. They do tend to jump in the middle of each other’s backs and this does cause some setbacks so their playtime is monitored.

  1. Symptoms: She had packed her leg for the first 3 weeks and was unable to put any pressure on it. She was very guarded and compensating to keep pressure off of her RT hind leg. She wanted to lay on the RT hip, however the hip joint was inflamed and tender. She was a working dog and had been out of commission since the injury.
  2. Protocol: Protocol 1-> Plates in all frequencies, intensity 600 in Mode 1 and Mode 2. Followed by y-probe. Prior to protocol 2, the dog showed signs of more weight bearing on its right leg. Protocol 2->Used Plates with large single roller in all frequencies, intensity 600 in Mode 1 and Mode 2. Gain at 40, 2 min at each frequency. Protocol 3-> Resolve lameness using probes to the right hind. Used all frequencies, intensity 600 in both Mode 1 and 2. Gain at 35 and 12 second stimulation at each frequency and point.
  3. Results: After first session the dog was more stable and seemed more mobile without compensating. After the second session the dog stood up effortlessly with a slight hesitation when quickly changing direction – unclear whether it was pain or habit. Prior to the third protocol the dog ran and was full of energy. Her response to the sessions was amazing. She was out of pain in 3 sessions and is back to work doing what she loves.
  1. Symptoms: Inflamed area on the underside of his jaw from the throat latch to the pre-mandible with no resolution. An abscess was found and the gelding produced fever, not eating, and breathing was compromised. Went through 2 rounds of antibiotics with no resolution.
  2. Protocol: First protocol followed the abscess protocol, intensity 600, gain at max. Applied plate on forehead and CV 2 grand call area of abscess. Prior to protocol 2, the gelding was eating a little better. Second protocol consisted of following the abscess protocol, gain is max, used plates on forehead and CV 2- large single roller on are of abscess. Third protocol was a systemic bilateral spinal with gain at max and intensity 600 in both modes. Fourth protocol -> repeated abscess protocol and plates on CV2-large single roller on area of abscess. Fifth protocol focused on draining out the fistula even more, repeating the 4th protocol and adding a large single roller on the area of the abscess.
  3. Results: After 1st protocol there was no change. After the second protocol the fistulas seeping and skin of abscess area is looking almost raw. During the third protocol there were several points with impedance. The gelding appeared to be thirsty and tired. After fourth protocol the fistula burst and gelding displayed significant relief.
  1. Symptoms: Long history of very strong heat cycles which are constant in the presence of any gelding. She was constantly spraying and saturating her tail which would constantly swish and make anyone near her, including her rider an absolute mess. She came up 3-legged lame on her right hind and was superficially diagnosed by the vet to have a possible fracture or soft tissue tear of the 3rd trochanter. She was put on rest for an expected 8-month period to heal. Breeding her was very complicated and during the 8-month period she was cycled progesterone because she would come up lame after mareish outbursts.
  2. Protocol: Began on her front end because she was stiff and unsettled, then focused on her right hind femur as diagnosed by the vet. After 3 weeks she seemed to be responding well until she began to cycle again and we found her right ovary was very enlarged. Vet recommended removal of the ovary. Another vet recommended hormone therapy first. Hormone therapy happened to be the route but everything spiraled out of control. More protocols were explored to work on systemic inflammation.
  3. Results: With every session her lameness improved and her headset, stride, and gait normalized. Implemented also the use of Biovigor. Mare progressed to light work.
  1. Symptoms: The gelding tripped and stung his RT front knee resulting in inflammation and lameness. He also has arthritis in his front knee and ringbone in both hind feet.
  2. Protocol: Protocol 1- Soundness. Used probes along vertebrae in all frequencies of standard protocol. Intensity 600 for mode 1 and mode 2. Duration 16 sec. at each frequency. Gain at max. Protocol 2- Resolve lameness and target ringbone. Used both probes and plates in all frequencies, intensity 600, duration 2 min, Gain at max. Protocol 3- Governing Vessel using plates, all frequencies, intensity 600 both mode 1 and 2. Duration 2 min at each frequency, Gain 60. Protocol 4- GV and plates, Double roller on knee and Y-Probe. Used all frequencies intensity 600 in both modes, duration 2 min, Gain 60. Protocol 5- Soundness using probes and plates all frequencies, intensity 600, duration 2 min, Gain at 40.
  3. Results: After first session mare seemed more relaxed. After the fourth session the swelling was gone and heat diminished. After the fifth session no more heat in the knee joint. The knee lameness was resolved and the inflammation from ringbone was greatly reduced. The gelding was much more comfortable even after use.