Are you tired of being in pain? Frustrated or even angry that you haven’t found a decent pain management technique? Scared you’ll be living with your pain for years? Or perhaps worse… that your beloved animal will be suffering for years after an accident, torn tendon, or non-healing injury?
You’re not alone. Thousands of people and animals are coping with chronic or acute pain that affects their quality of life. You’ve probably tried every pain management protocol in the traditional book for both yourself and them – and more:
- over-the-counter medicines
- hot-and-cold compresses
- mind-body therapies
- acupuncture
- meditation
- detox
- a newly balanced diet
- exercise
Some of these methods work well for some people or animals. Pain management is a huge topic. But there’s a difference between pain management and pain removal. Let’s start with pain management and then look ahead to pain removal. Your pain removal. Your loved animal’s pain removal.
What is Pain Management?
Pain management means helping you cope with pain enough to ignore it for a while. Perhaps you can block your brain from feeling it for a time. Management doesn’t cure pain. It simply helps you put up with it.
But what if true pain management doesn’t lie in pills, potions, and painkillers but sorting it out?
It’s not wishful thinking. What you’re looking for is pain removal. And the good news is that it’s possible to decrease your pain the Equiscope way, often within three sessions.
Equiscope therapy heals your body, and therefore its pain, from the inside at the cellular level.
What is Cellular Healing?
It sounds revolutionary but the technique has been around in some form or other for decades.
It’s a protocol that’s
- non-chemical
- non-invasive
- holistic
- regenerative
Think of your body as an Internet of Things (IoT) connected wirelessly. Your body’s made of millions of cells that are directly connected to your health condition.
When some of these cells fail to function properly, diseases emerge. Healing at a cellular level means finding the origin of the pain and dealing with it directly at its source – restoring damaged cells, so they can thrive again – as Dr. Miguel Lanzagorta explains so succinctly in this video clip.
When sick cells heal, you or your animal are finally able to permanently get rid of your pain and experience a drastic improvement in life and wellbeing.
Clients who’ve tried cellular healing report feeling regenerated, with their hope, energy, and vitality recovered. Equiscope technicians have also seen hundreds of horses, dogs, cats, birds, etc., regain their fitness and vitality. All animals have cells that can be addressed at the cellular level.
But What is Electro-Equiscope Therapy and How Does It Work?
Equiscope is the most advanced therapy of its kind that treats your body at the cellular level and allows it to heal itself.
It does this by combining various technologies to search, scan, and find damaged cells or any abnormalities in your body’s electrical system.
Once it recognizes the cells that no longer have enough electrical charge to work properly – due to disease or toxicity – the Equiscope delivers a suitably measured electrical current through the skin directly into the damaged cell. This restores its healthy functioning in a simple, painless, and non-invasive way.
If this sounds like common sense, it’s because it is! Doctors happily use electronic technology for the diagnosis of disease. Why not use Electro-Equiscope technology to allow the body to heal itself by itself?
Do You Want to Experience Pain Management in the Sense of Having Your Pain Removed?
The Electro-Equiscope will give you a passport away from the pain of
- inflammation
- strained muscles
- sports injuries
- knee and other operations
- spinal injury
- and many other painful health issues.
Intellbio is the only distributor of the Electro-Equiscope, with providers all over the country. We take your pain seriously.
If you’re ready to live your life to the fullest and watch your pain go away once and for all, we can help you contact a practitioner or technician near you today. They will revolutionize your ideas of pain management for yourself or your love animal in a reliable and sustainable way using Electro-Equiscope therapy.