Ever seen an electrician hold a voltmeter on a cable to see if there’s a charge? It’s one way of diagnosing which part of a device is not working – think crackles and distortion from your digital keyboard and amp! The meter measures voltage through the wires. But did you know that, back in the 1920s, scientists were doing this kind of investigation with human tissue? They believed all living tissue had electrical properties or bioelectricity.
And they were right. Our cells communicate with each other via bioelectrical signals. They found changes in the voltage gradient along a human vaginal canal when cancerous cells were in the vicinity.
Moreover, what they proved holds true for all living things: animals, reptiles, birds, etc.
Over the years, however, we’ve increased our understanding of bioelectricity. We now know that all our cellular processes organize themselves by sending out electrical signals. We’re a complete electrical circuit!
You probably know people who reject this idea. They believe non-traditional therapies based on energy – like acupuncture, bioenergetics, and so-called “tapping” – are woo-woo.
But just because scientists now focus on gene therapy, this doesn’t lessen the importance of bioelectricity and bioenergetics for health and healing. So let’s look at it a bit more closely.
Is Bioelectricity the Same As Grid Electricity?
No! Grid electricity can give you a shock. It’s a current made up of negatively charged electrons.
Bioelectricity, on the other hand, comes from the positively charged ions of minerals and electrolytes in our body – like potassium, sodium, calcium, etc.
These ion channels only accept certain frequencies and function at a trillionth of an amp. It’s crucial therefore that these ions have enough energy to jump across cell membranes. That’s how your cells communicate!
How Do Cells Use Their Bioelectrical Energy?
1 They keep your body in homeostasis or balance, sending messages to and from the brain to every nerve that controls your movements, feelings, and thoughts – including your autonomic nervous system.
2 They take in nutrients and remove waste material to keep us functioning healthily.
So what happens when cells go out of action after injury or disease?
- The bioelectrical charge is lessened (the bioimpedance is wrong).
- The cells can’t communicate efficiently across the membranes.
- Energy bypasses those cells so they’re unable to process nutrients and waste.
- The healing process stalls, and they remain damaged.
This begs the following question.
How Can We Restore a Correct Energy Charge?
The answer is that bioenergetics microcurrent technology applies it from outside the body. Carefully controlled amounts of energy reactivate damaged and poorly performing cells to kickstart the body’s normal healing process. This is not woo-woo but state-of-the-art technology linking Eastern and Western medicine.
Over the years, a number of technologies have been able to help renew and restore homeostasis to our cells’ bioelectricity. These technologies are now advanced and can
- decipher abnormal tissue response,
- send an adjusted and highly targeted form of microcurrent back through the skin to improve the electrical potential of the cells, and
- help bring cells back to their proper working state that uses the body’s natural energy.
When you’ve had an injury or feel out of sorts, you need to restore energetic cellular communication in your body so you can be your 100% best!
If you’d like to know more, contact Intellbio today.